Food Safety

The safety of our food products, employees, customers and consumers is a core value of Ardent Mills. We constantly strive to provide safe, healthy, affordable food and ingredients for customers and consumers across North America.

From the receipt of grain to flour production, labeling and shipping, our food safety and engineering experts ensure that every aspect of our operations meets the highest standards. In addition to following good manufacturing practices (GMP), we enact a variety of operational programs, train our team members, monitor our processes and strive to maintain pristine manufacturing facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Reducing Flour-Related Risks

Product recalls continue to keep food manufacturers seeking safer methods of preparing products for their consumers. Food safety hazards are a constant, and even with best practices in place, there are scenarios where a consumer might mishandle and poorly prepare raw, uncooked flour-based products — from frozen pizzas to cookie dough.

Ardent Mills works diligently to help you reduce risk and keep the reputation of your brand in your hands with our Food Safety Product Solutions.

SafeGuard™ Treatment & Delivery uses advanced heat treatment technology for up to a five-log validated pathogen reduction process that helps manufacturers treat traditional wheat, alternative grains, flour, pulses, seeds and flakes.

BakeSafer™ Treatments are value-added refined wheat flour safety treatments for ready-to-bake and ready-to-cook products. These can reduce the risk of pathogens in flour by a minimum of 90%. Since BakeSafer™  Treatments do not include a heat treatment, the flour can be easily swapped into your existing formulations and processes.

(Irrespective of the flour treatment(s) referenced above, Ardent Mills reminds all organizations of the critical need to follow generally accepted kill step baking procedures to assist in the elimination of food safety concerns.)


U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)*
*Search for “Flour”